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National Climate Plan Accelerator

Faculty Lead: Thomas Malone

Project Description: The MIT Center for Collective Intelligence (CCI), led by Prof. Thomas Malone, has developed Climate CoLab, an online problem-solving platform where people from all over the world work together to create proposals for how to reach global climate change goals. The MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Climate Change, under the leadership of Prof. Ron Prinn and Dr. John Reilly, has developed a comprehensive tool to analyze interactions among humans and the climate system–MIT’s Integrated Global System Modeling framework. The National Climate Plan Accelerator (NCPA) is combining these programs to create an international online network that supports countries as they develop detailed, expert-verified plans to meet their climate goals. The IPL is assisting in outreach to countries to pilot this program.

IPL Support: Providing contacts, logistical support, editing policy documents, arranging meetings, travel, and communications training.