Principal Investigator: Thomas Peacock
Collaborator: Pierre Lermusiaux
Professor Peacock is an expert in physical oceanography and flow transport. His research will be important for assessing the environmental impact of deep-sea mining and for the development of regulations by the International Seabed Authority (ISA). The IPL is working with Professor Peacock to determine the policy implications of his research and to hold a workshop, convening scientists and policy makers, to determine how the research community can address deep-sea mining policy issues.
IPL Support: The IPL identified and interviewed the U.S. State Department representative to the ISA to assess U.S. policy interests and relationship to the ISA. The IPL identified a number of additional contacts working on policy questions surrounding mining, including the expert invited to MIT. The IPL is prepared an application for observer status to the ISA which was approved at the annual meeting of the ISA in 2017. Currently the IPL is developing a workshop at MIT which brings together industry, academia, and policy makers to discuss how MIT research can best inform the work of the ISA.