Faculy Lead: Leon Glicksman
Project Description: Professor Glicksman is the director of MIT’s Building Technology (BT) Program. Over the past five years, BT and MIT’s D-Lab have produced a body of research on passive heating and cooling strategies to improve indoor thermal comfort. Specifically, their research studies have examined the type of locally available low cost materials, their suitability including material availability, and the outcomes associated in improving indoor thermal comfort. This research has the potential to inform the policies of local governments in India and Nepal and practices of development actors, such as USAID, the World Bank, UNDP, and others, who seek to promote and fund innovations and programs that improve housing structures and thermal comfort in resource-constrained environments. The IPL is assisting in translating their findings into specific recommendations for development organizations and governments and connecting them to the relevant audiences.
Policy Lab Support: Reviewing policy documents, identifying contacts, preparing for meetings and logistical support