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Policy at the Fluids and Health 2019 Conference

Faculy Lead: Lydia Bourouiba

Project Description: Professor Bourouiba has pioneered a new field that examines the fluid dynamics of disease transmission. Recently her work was selected by the Institut D’Etudes Scientifiques de Cargese (IESC) as Ecole Phare 2019 (feature school of the year) and was selected and featured at the TEDMED 2019 meeting as speaker on this topic to further build awareness to this topic to a broader audience. She will be conducting a two-week conference/school entitled the “Fluids and Health”, with 2019 theme: Fluid Dynamics of Disease Transmission” at IESC, which will introduce new researchers in this field to policymakers who will ultimately be the consumers of this research. The Policy Lab is assisting to facilitate connections between Professor Bouroubia and the appropriate policy audiences.

Policy Lab Support: Identifying contacts, providing introductions, and logistical support.